What people say about Calmbirth
Our baby boy arrived yesterday, 38+6 wks, 2.9kg, fast 7 hours of active labour.
Ben was a wonderful coach and support thanks to Calmbirth! Arrived at hospital 7 cm dilated. No interventions or complications.
We're all doing well!
Deanne and Ben
Hi Kaye, Sorry for the late reply, I've been stuck in the baby bubble!
Our beautiful little babe is here and it couldn't be more perfect. We are obsessed with him.
The birth went really well although I ended up being induced which was really nothing to be scared of in the end.
We used the breathing techniques we learnt at Calmbirth throughout the whole labour and it was so helpful. In the end I was only in active labour for around 6 hours and he was out in about 4 pushes with just a small graze!
It was perfect!
Gav tells all our pregnant friends that they absolutely have to do Calmbirth!
Thanks for everything Kaye xx
Update -
Fox is doing amazing. He is such a ray of sunshine. We are both loving parenthood more than we could have imagine.
Breastfeeding has been great and I'm certain a lot of our family's happiness is due to the incredible start we had:)
Casey and Gav
Hi Kaye, I just wanted to let you know Tim and I had a little boy on Saturday (Australia Day baby!)
The labour was just perfect - my mucus plug came out about 9am after doing a long walk and contractions gradually increased over the day.
We managed them well with breathing initially and using the bath and shower and TENS when I was out and then used some other skills like yelling ahh and tapping my hand on whatever I could find!
We went to hospital at about 430pm and I was 8 cm dilated which was great.
I pushed for about 25 mins and bubs arrived just before 6pm. He is beautiful!
Thanks for imparting your knowledge and help make it such an amazing experience for us.
We couldn't be happier.
Emily and Tim
I wanted to say a massive thank you for your support on Saturday. Thom and I were so grateful to be able to call you for support and we successfully used the massage points you sent through during the labour (along with all the other wonderful Calmbirth skills we learned in the course too!)
Donavan was born at 1230am on Sunday morning. Calmbirth tools got us through most of the labour, managed to do it without the epidural and the Donovan took over and arrived quite quickly in the end!
Jessica and Thom
Hi Kaye, our baby girl was born this morning at 4:29am weighing exactly 9 pounds! It honestly couldn't have gone any better ...
I woke up with some mild contractions around 12:30am, we got to hospital at around 3:30am and she basically birthed herself with a couple of very sudden really strong contractions about an hour later. I just went with my pushing instinct - midwife was amazing.
No tearing or anything! Ob arrive about 10 minutes after she was born. Completely elated by how well it went, especially as we were going to be induced on Monday if she hadn't come on her own!
I went into labour on Thursday, my due date, and had him Friday morning 3:33AM. Labour took 5 1/2 hours. Birthed in the water, membranes stayed intact (thanks dates) until he came out - I got to touch it. 9lb 3oz, no tearing (labia tore a bit- x2 stitches). The hospital was fantastic, they let me do my thing, when I was feeling unconfident at the end the midwife talked me through and that gave me what I needed to finish off. The doctor stayed away as she wasn't needed - so great.
Ash was good, he tried different things and didn't get offended when I said 'can you massage me here' and 'don't touch me' in the very next sentence. I didn't do a lot of my planned things, once we were at the hospital it all happened fairly quickly, I just went with the flow really. The car trip was not comfortable, but the time flew really. That breath work is amazing for getting time to fly by without noticing.
Not sure I'd call it a calm birth because I made noise. The noise gave me power. But I was never scared or fearful. What an amazing thing women's bodies can do. Thank you for what you taught us. It took away my fear and replaced it with trust. It gave Ash a confidence I'd not seen and support for me which I greatly needed.
L is a proud brother. He did comment though that we should put the baby back in my tummy because he's too noisy. Fat change of that happening darling!
I like thinking back to his birth.
I got out in my bikini today with L at the beach. I have a pocket of hanging tummy skin (maybe not as bad as my description) a small stretch mark and one long squiggly stretch mark - but I just feel so proud of my body for what it did. I don't feel worried about these bits.
The Calmbirth program took my fear away, which I didn't think was possible. After the program I didn't fear what I had feared before, I didn't even have to fight my fear, I just didn't have them. It meant that I could be in that birthing room, not knowing how it was going to play out for me yet still being ok. Then to find out I gave birth to a 9 pound 3 baby with no perineum tearing. I felt that I did that because I didn't feel fear and I trusted that my body, my baby and I could do this - amazing!
Tamara & Ashley
After the birth of my first baby which was a natural but complicated birth, I was so fearful and nervous. I never thought that having a second baby would be the magic pill that could heal all my fears. At just 32 weeks of pregnancy there was a lot of anxiety and fear because the doctor suggested an elective caesarean, for growing a big baby and me being such a small lady.
Miraculously I was recommended through my aqua natal teacher to have a Calmbirth session.
Though I thought it was already too late to have birthing lessons, she encourage me and not long after I rang the Calmbirth educator and I was immediately drawn to the kind, supporting words of Kaye.
She was the angel who introduced us to the amazing birthing techniques, taught us to understand how our bodies were designed to give birth, and how we should allow birthing to happen naturally. Kaye introduced me to a well of wisdom and courage inside of me. For the rest of that 4 weeks my husband and I practised the birthing and relaxation techniques, massages, audios, readings etc.
The morning that I started feeling those powerful pressures in my back I was very calm and excited because I knew the time to meet my little my miracle was very close. That morning I jumped into the shower, I got ready and called a friend who was going to come and visit me, but I told her we better cancel because my contractions started, she said
'that's ok I'll come over for a little bit'. My friend came over, and we shared a beautiful lunch, we chatted, laughed and had a great time.
Every time I felt the pressure building I stopped and breathed deeply with the contractions, imagining an amazing waterfall. Time went so quickly that I didn't realise it was already 9pm.
It was then my husband took me to the hospital, and he knew what to do. He prepared everything to get ready and did an amazing job all the way through. We jumped in the shower, we dimmed the light, used oils, relaxation audios, we drank tea.
After about 2 hours, with contractions increasing, I suddenly felt the urge to push. At that moment the midwife was with us in the room and wanted to check if I had dilated enough to safely start pushing, but her attempts to do so were not received well as I was sure my body was ready.
I slid off the bed and got into a comfortable position on my knees leaning forward onto the bed, where I began to really give myself to the force of the contractions, within a very short space of time, I had birthed the head and shortly after my little big girl (4.27kg!) came up into daddy's arms.
Without pain relief or any medical intervention this time I really enjoyed the moments immediately after birth, being completely conscious, energised and happy to meet, feed, and cuddle our miracle baby. What a healing experience!
Thank you firstly to Kaye Duncan, for putting all of her positive energy into her whole engagement with us. And thank you the the Calmbirth program for providing such powerful tools, which opened our minds transmitting a new and positive understanding of birth.
Vanessa & Josh