Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully before using the www.adelaidecoastcalmbirth.com website. These are the terms and conditions of our agreement which apply to use of this website and all information provided in courses by Kaye Duncan (Adelaide Coast Calmbirth®).
As a user of our service, by reading the Terms and Conditions, you agree and copy with these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions apply to all users, users are defined as casual browsers, visitors, educators and others who access or use the Adelaide Coast Calmbirth® website.
Please note that these terms and conditions many vary from time to time without notice to you. If you wish to check or verify any term or condition specific to your particular situation which might vary from another person’s situation, then you accept the responsibility to contact Kaye and discuss it with her directly.
When you use this website or service you may be advised that special guidelines or rules apply. Unless otherwise stated, these guidelines or rules form part of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions apply to all users (including casual browsers) whether or not the registration process has been completed.
External Links
This service may provide links to third party websites or resources. These are provided purely as a matter of convenience and we do not endorse the contents of these websites.
We are not responsible for the availability of these websites, nor will we be liable in any way for any loss or damage which you may suffer by using those websites.
If you decide to access linked third party websites, you do so at your own risk and we strongly recommend that you read all the third party websites terms and conditions as well as privacy policies.
Adelaide Coast Calmbirth® childbirth preparation courses are taught by Kaye Duncan and provided by Calmbirth® Pty Ltd - Peter and Sue Jackson and are designed to help parents obtain information and prepare themselves for birth.
Kaye Duncan believes the information and material on this website and advice provided is accurate and reliable. The information on this website is provided in good faith.
Kaye Duncan assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information and is not liable for any damages of any kind resulting from the use of, or reliance on, the information and material contained on this website, advice given directly by Kaye Duncan in response to enquiries, or any third-party website linked to this website.
Readers and users of this website are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources, and most definitely to seek local relevantly qualified advice available if embarking on any actions that may potentially carry liabilities, of personal, organisational or any other type.
Pregnancy, labour and birth are sensitive activities; the free material and advice available via this website do not provide all necessary safeguards and checks for organisations or individuals.
Prior to purchasing any third-party products or services described by Adelaide Coast Calmbirth® in a course or on the website, you are advised to verify pricing, product quality and other information necessary to make an informed purchase.
Neither Adelaide Coast Calmbirth® nor Kaye Duncan shall have any liability arising from your purchases of third party products or services based upon the information provide on the website, or in a course. Although Adelaide Coast Calmbirth® has attempted to provide accurate information to you; we assume no responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, delays or other defects in any of the information, goods or services provided.
Adelaide Coast Calmbirth® reserves the right to change any price at which we offer goods services at our discretion and without notice and to correct ay errors in the pricing contained in our catalogue or in a quote to you. We shall have no liability for any such changes or errors and are not bound to fulfil services at old or erroneous prices.
Cancellation of booking for a class
Depending on the circumstances surrounding the need to cancel or reschedule, it is expected that individuals take the responsibility and accountability to appropriately communicate with Kaye Duncan.
A deposit of $200 is required to secure your position in the classes. The balance $350 is due one week prior to the classes. If you do not attend, your deposit is not refunded. The amount of $100 will be refunded for cancellations for class bookings, which take place at least four weeks before the class date. If the booking is cancelled within four weeks of the class date, this same amount will be reimbursed if the cancelled place is filled before the class date, otherwise the full deposit will be retained. Adelaide Coast Calmbirth® will endeavour to find a replacement for the class.
The balance withheld covers credit card, bank and administrative charges incurred with cancellation and re-advertising the couple’s place in the class. The amount of $100 will be reimbursed via electronic funds transfer to the couple’s bank account.
Please take every care to attend the course the day you are booked. We respect difficult circumstances and will extend kindness and assistance wherever possible to enable you to attend.
Adelaide Coast Calmbirth® endeavours to be reasonable, fair, honest and just in business dealings. This consideration is expected to be reciprocated by the attendees of these courses.
Adelaide Coast Calmbirth® will ensure you have a confirmation email, including directions when registering for a class. A reminder email will be sent one week prior to the class. If confirmation that you have received the email has not been received, this will be followed up by a phone call.
It is solely your responsibility to remember your course dates and details and to follow up on any concerns or queries.
COVID and classes
Calmbirth will be adhering to the current heath orders in each State and Territory affected by COVID-19 outbreaks, including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask-wearing orders.
Social distancing: As social distancing recommendations vary, depending on current health orders, the numbers of attendees per Calmbirth Program may vary depending on the capacity of the venue where the Calmbirth course is held. Couples will be required to maintain the current social distancing recommendations.
Mask Wearing: Educators and attendees alike may be required to wear face masks in accordance with the current health orders in their local area.
A Participant must not attend a Face-to-face Calmbirth course if:
In the last 10 days they tested positive for COVID-19
In the event you or your partner have been a close contact, you will need to do a RAT test each day your Calmbirth course and present a photograph of your negative result to the facilitator, and wear a mask during the course.
If you or your partner are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 such as a temperature, cough, sore throat, running nose, difficulty breathing, changes to taste and smell, diarrhoea
If you or your partner are awaiting a COVID test result
Please note that Educators have the right to turn away any attendee that appears to be symptomatic.
An alternative arrangement will be made for the participant/s to attend a ZOOM course or reschedule to a later date if time allows.
If an Educator falls under the above restrictions, they will contact attendees and make alternative arrangements.
If your facilitator tests positive for COVID, and they are well enough to teach, then this scheduled course will be conducted via ZOOM. Or alternate arrangements will be made by the facilitator if time allows.
If you or your partner have started Day 1 of the Calmbirth course and get COVID and are unable to do Day 2 of the Calmbirth course, we will endeavour to find an alternate course date, be it face to face or via Zoom to accommodate you.
Venues: Educators who hire venues to conduct their Calmbirth courses are subject to the COVID requirements of the venue. In some cases, this may include vaccination requirements.
At times, during the pandemic, Educators may request that attendees undertake a RAT before attending their Calmbirth course.
Change of circumstances - Face to face courses will move to ZOOM if any lock down health order is implemented or Calmbirth believes there is sufficient risk of COVID transmission to the attendees in a particular area. In the event the facilitator has COVID it will move to ZOOM. ZOOM courses will be available as an option for those couples not wanting to do a face to face course during these uncertain times. All courses are subject to our cancellation policy & our Terms and Conditions regardless of how the course proceeds.
All courses are subject to the Calmbirth Pty Ltd Cancellation Policy & our Terms and Conditions regardless of how the course proceeds. If your Calmbirth face to face course moves to the Zoom platform you will be subject to the Calmbirth Pty Ltd Cancellation Policy as your course will still be going ahead as planned. If you get COVID and are unable to attend, you will only be eligible for a refund, if an alternate course, face to face or ZOOM, cannot be arranged and you have provided a medical certificate and proof of a recent positive RAT/PCR.
You are most welcome to telephone Kaye on 0421940930 or email kaye@adelaidecoastcalmbirth.com if you have any questions.